This is a trailer done for the Dance to The Core event hosted by UMAN SHOP (Link:
This video is shot and edited entirely by me. More of my works can be found at
Gear Used: Canon Eos 7D, DIY Cage,
Lens: 8mm 3.5, 18-55mm 3.5, 50mm 1.8, 28-105mm 3.5
Edited in Adobe Premiere and tweaked in After Effects (stabilization and twixxtor)
Soundtracks used:
Featurecast - Party Starter
Skrillex - Rock that body (BEP remix)
Special props go to all the dancers that were awesome and helpful ! ONE LOVE !
Thanks loads for all of those who shouted "IT'S LIKE THAT" and other retarded shit. BLESS !
Mad respect for MR. Coffe, one of the illest beat boxers in Romania, mad mad respect.
Props for U-MAN shop for hosting the event and the video contest.
Props for Featurecast and Skrillex for the awesome noize !
Finally special thanks for BBOY GICK for lending me his laptop and his hard drive and helping me with my heavy bags and such.