3D Game Character Turntable - Student Showreel

Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates but I've been working literally around the clock in the past month to get this character done for a school submission :)

I've  kind of neglected the blog but I`m going to get back at 2d studies again, and try to force myself to do 3d stuff as well. I might try and find a balance between the two but my the more 3d I do the more I miss 2d stuff...  

Ok enough chit chat...This is my latest 3D character game model. 

It's done mainly in Zbrush, but have used Maya in various instances such as UV mapping, fixing normals and assigning smooth groups, some base meshes were made in maya but eventually dumped and remade in Zbrush from scratch as I wanted to make my own zbrush workflow (as far as modeling goes)

Texture wise it was done at 1st in Zbrush using a mixture of spotlight stamping and manual painting with a lot of cavity masks inverted and painted. Have also used some zbrush layers for slight colour variation. 
Then after the base polypaint was made, I exported the colour maps from zbrush and took them further in Photoshop, where I've added different Ao passes baked from Xnormal and some Cavity Map/Displacement Map passes baked from Xnormal and/or Zbrush. 

Retopology was made in Topogun exclusively and Normals were baked in xNormal using the cage technique. Also UV mapping and baking were done somewhat hand in hand, as I have different UV shells for different smoothgroups in order not to have normal baking artefacts.  

The Polycount of my character is around 18k triangles as a 1st LOD, i`ll make 2 more LODs one of 12k and one of 8k in the near future after I finish some other school deadlines. 
I have used 2x2k maps for normal, spec and diffuse, but also worth mentioning is that the Specular map is a 32 bit targa as it has an alpha as the Gloss map.

Evertything is rendered and sharpened within Marmoset Toolbag, the only tweaks in photoshop were the Color Curves adjustment layers and some crop/collage work.

Thanks for watching and hope you like it...

Have an amazing day,


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