Putting some studies to use ...

Putting some studies to use, or at least trying to concept something ...

This is done for a uni brief on music in games ... so it goes a little like this ...

Taken from http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/races-and-classes/elf.php

Sword Muses are Sword Singers who have reached the apex of the singing of spirit songs.
Spirit songs are beautiful songs infused with the power of the spirit.
These songs enhance the combat capability and morale of their own forces and to seek the divine protection of the spirits and the goddess before heading out to the front.

I combined the idea of the above character class from Lineage 2, called the Sword Muse (funny:Mouse) and decided to re-design "Diddle", the german Miky Mouse.
Diddle can be seen here http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/diddle_desktop_1800x1722_wallpaper-236871.jpg


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