Next Gen Spider Queen Character.

Hey guys !

First and foremost I do apologise for the lack of updates on this blog, I promise things will change fast just right now I am caught between part time jobbing, university work (on MA project) and training (and dealing badly with some lower back injuries) and it`s just too much for now.

I thank you all sincerely who visit my blog and come back to it from time to time and also biggest thanks for all the emails/questions/fb adds/compliments and so on I get. I am humbled beyond words !

Ok getting to the technical part ...

Here is the final version of my MA Games Art character, produced at the University of Hertfordshire UK.
The aim of this project was to produce a high quality next generation character, rendered within UDK using dx11 and all of it`s features.

The final character count is around 110k triangles with legs and weapon. All accessories are modelled textured and baked individually off the character so they can be swapped and replaced.Assets have been separated according to materials in order to achieve a better tessellation control / set of items.
 Total maps are comprised of 3 x 2K map sets (one for the human bust,one for the spider body + legs and one for the leather and hanging assets) and 2 x 1K map sets (one for the metal parts and one for the weapon).

The sets are made out of a Diffuse, Specular + Gloss, Normal and Displacement map for tessellation. Two extra tillable textures were used for the skin respectively for the metal as a detail normal map.
The legs are done modularly, duplicating only a termination joing and a knee for more variation, other leg pieces are breakable thus being mirrored and flipped to achieve a useful modulation.

Software packages used were the following:
Zbrush - for Sculpting (all assets and character pieces were done here) and Texturing (base colours and spec map painting)
Photoshop - for further texturing (also for thumbnail creation, visual exploration, mockups, concepts,etc,
Maya - for proxy modeling,retopology cleanup, tweaking, Uv mapping, setting normals, setting uv islands, UV transfers.etc
Xnormal - for baking all maps and polypaint transfer
Headus UV Layout - for unwrapping and uv layouts
Topogun - for retopology Marmoset Tool-bag for rendering, previewing, adjusting maps, etc.

For any questions please feel free to email me at vickgaza[at]gmail[dot]com.
Thank you for viewing my Masters Games Character Project.

NOTE: All renders beneath are REAL-TIME renders in MARMOSET TOOLBAG
NOTE 2: Click images for full-view

Spider Queen Turntable from Vick Gaza on Vimeo.



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